they say I'm doomed but I feel fine.
full name steven corddry comicverse blue beetle date of birth & age 05/10/82 & 34 birthplace chicago, il main residence boston, massachusetts occupation inventor, web designer relationship status single and hating it

Born in Chicago, IL to semi well-off parents, his mouth was always silver spoon adjacent. They never knew the pinch of living paycheck to paycheck, but neither were his parents buying ninety-thousand dollar cars on a whim. Growing up, he spent a lot of time between Chinatown and the Lincoln Park Zoo; food and the nonjudgmental company of animals being his two favorite things. Steven was very passionate about their well being and was seriously considering a career in marine biology during the Free Willy craze of '93. He might have continued pursuing it, too, if not for breaking his leg early into his twelfth year. Never trust a Slip'N Slide, people. Steven nailed the slipping part but wasn't so good with the sliding.

The end result was a broken tibia and fibula -- hairline and spiral fractures, respectively -- which put him in a cast up to his hip for most of the following summer. He still credits that incident as having opened his eyes to the amazingly rich world of video games, but learning to love them got to be something of a bad romance. Steven stopped going out, stopped running around as kids do, and he traded rare breeds of animals for resilient plumbers as friends. Peach was, and maybe still is, his biggest crush. Gaining weight made the rest of his middle school career a tough one, and high school wasn't much better. He couldn't decide which felt worse: the cruel teasing or being flat-out ignored by his peers. Unless they needed help with a science project, of course, in which case he was Mr. Popularity.

After graduating he moved to Boston, MA alongside a lady friend who felt convinced she could singlehandedly reunite the New Kids On The Block just by tracking them down at home and giving them an impassioned speech. This was a stupid plan, he knew, but he wanted to show his support. The move coincided with his acceptance to Harvard, a tuition he felt accomplished to have partly funded by himself. Known as the east coast Street Fighter champion, he saved enough from tournament earnings to lessen the burden on his parents. On the side he was also responsible for obsessively updating spreadsheets which measured the input lag of various television makes and models, for which gamers the world over thanked him. Steven had read somewhere that 'well rounded individual' doesn't actually get you very far in life. Whatever you passion is, go big or go home. Skills that used to get him laughed at were now responsible for making him appear tech savvy and determined. In the end, he felt like he was having the last laugh.

In college he began following the path toward a business degree, figuring he'd one day inherit his old man's small electronics empire, but inevitably made the switch to computer science. Good move, too, as we all know independent stores have largely gone by the wayside in favor of corporate chains such as Best Buy. He met and befriended Jon, Eva, and Tess; the former of which he occasionally helped with projects in coding. Hanging around with two such beautiful women was like a fantasy come true for the still pudgy Steven -- one he often pinched himself over just to be sure he was, in fact, leaving the dream. Their friendship was genuine, though, and so were his feelings for Eva. It took years of dancing around the issue (mostly his fault. Lack of self-esteem is a real bitch!) before they finally took the plunge together, leading to a blissful year long relationship before life outside of college intervened. He kind of wanted to hate her for becoming preoccupied with the whole 'follow your dreams' schtick, but he couldn't. Still doesn't. Never will.

Years crawled by and Steven never settled into what most would consider a respectable career. He was able to coast by on freelance web building in between gaming tournaments and conventions, and became a fan of 'life hacks' during the interim. A great many of his ideas were stupid, but a few of them he felt particularly good about. Steven managed to sell a grand total of six tie bibs (actual tiny bibs that clip over your tie and protect them from soup stains) among his friends and family, giving him the taste of success he needed to aim even higher. He even applied for an appearance on Shark Tank but was ultimately turned down. Nobody seemed to think his Hot Potato -- a device which perfectly flays open your starchy treat without risking burnt fingers! -- was useful or even necessary. Why couldn't the consumer just wait a few minutes, they asked. Why couldn't they just do the job with a knife and fork?

Unrelenting in his enthusiasm, he tentatively accepted charitable donations from Jon and Tess. Promises were made to pay them back with interest, but in the same breath he preemptively apologized if the gadget never sold. Using his money to produce a commercial, imagine his surprise when Hot Potato began selling like hot cakes. Sure, most people thought it was a joke, but Steven was busy laughing all the way to the bank. Presently, his professional confidence is soaring despite the internet meme he's become. He's gone on to endorse products not of his on creation, appearing largely due to his good looks (thanks, Weight Watchers!) and passing curiosity. People are fickle, he knows, and his fame is bound to run out. Until then he's not above jumping through hoops or reading from cheesy cue cards in an effort to pad his bank account enough to fund future endeavors.

blue beetle
Extraordinarily bright. He was good at science, business, and everything else he tried. In college, he received degrees in Physics, English Lit, and Theoretical Mathematics. He considered joining his father's business, Kord Omniversal Research and Development, Inc, of Chicago, but overall, he had no real directio until his uncle made a bid to take over the world. Mentoring under Dan Garrett, the first Blue Beetle, he was given the mantle but not the ability to work Dan's ancient scarab. That hardly deterred him from making a name for himself, however. Ted would honor his dearly departed mentor by putting to use his wit, agility, and high tech gadgetry instead.

Through many ups and downs he perservered, inculding the ressurection and subsequent second loss of Dan, the need to break his scarab following a corrupt offer of power, the devastation of his father's company, and later his own attempt at running it as a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises. Unwittingly he would follow in Dan's foosteps when investigating a missing shipment of kryptonite, leading him to Checkmate headquarters in Switerland and uncovering a pot to kill all of Earth's metahumans. Given the opportunity to keep his life in exchange for his loyalty by maxwell Lord, he refused. He was killed. The last thing Ted remembers is telling Max to rot in hell. (source)

  • Stevie Wonder provides the soundtrack for his life.

  • Continues to struggle with his weight and obsessively counts calories. This doesn't stop him from eating a burger or pizza but, if those sinular items max out his entire daily alotment, he knows he's screwed. Most days he tries to eat healthy. Emphasis on the word try.

  • Although he's genuinely funny and relaxed around close friends, with strangers he's often at a loss for things to say. He's a much better listerner (and maker of observational humor within the privacy of his own mind) and lacks the charisma to really 'sell himself' to most people. Talking nerdy to Steven is the only sure fire way to pry him out of his shell regardless of the length or nature of your relationship with him. He's a notorious maker of dad jokes and bad puns. No, he's not sorry.